5 ene 20243 Min. de lectura

4 oct 20233 Min. de lectura
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Have you been looking for something exciting that will get your kids away from their screens? Would it be even better if what you found would also help them learn something new while developing their interests in science, technology, engineering, and math? If you answered yes to either of these questions, it sounds like you need to sign up for a STEM monthly subscription. STEM subscription kits are monthly packages that are sent to your kids. Each STEM kit includes all the materials and resources they'll need to conduct an exciting experiment or project.
You may have noticed that there are numerous companies that offer monthly science kits for kids. This can make it challenging to know which option will be best for your children. To help make your decision easier, we've put together a comprehensive review of the Creation Crate STEM subscription box offerings for you.
Creation Crate was started by Chris Gatbonton in 2016. The company's headquarters are located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The STEM monthly subscription boxes from Creation Crate focus on tech education. Chris started the company with the goal of providing STEM education to children and adults. He wanted to do something that would have a positive effect on children and on the world.
Creation Crate STEM boxes are designed to be used by children, adults, or in a classroom. The company's philosophy is that everyone learns best doing and creating something, so they designed their boxes to be very hands-on.
When you sign up for a STEM box through Creation Crate, you will also be able to add challenger projects to your order. There are four different challenger projects that are designed to offer children an additional task they can complete alongside the projects and experiments in the STEM kit. There are four challenger projects available: Bluetooth Speaker, Rover Bot, Digital Clock, and Weather Station. You can choose to add one or more of these to your order. If you add all four, you'll save $40.
Creation Crate also offers a Classroom Kit designed for providing STEM education in a classroom. Each kit comes with all the components for reusable electronic projects. Students and teachers will also be able to access the online classroom, and teachers will receive grading assignments. You can choose to have 1, 3, 6, or 12 projects included in your kit.
Creation Crate has 12 different projects that are included in their monthly science kits. The projects are designed for children 12 and over, but that doesn't mean younger children can't enjoy these tasks with some parental support. Adults can also learn something new whether they choose to complete a project with a child or just want to do one on their own.
A few of the projects that will be sent over the time of your STEM monthly subscription include a mood lamp, a memory game, an LED dice game, a lock box, and a strength gauge.
With Creation Crate, you can choose to sign up for a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual subscription. Quarterly, semi-annual, and annual subscriptions will deliver 3, 6, or 12 projects, respectively, at one time. On one hand, an annual subscription will provide you with the greatest amount of savings however, on the other hand, you will not enjoy the surprise feeling of getting a new box every month, like you have in the monthly subscription, as you would get all projects at once.
A monthly subscription costs $29.99, a quarterly subscription costs $89.97, a semi-annual subscription costs $179.94, and an annual subscription costs $359.88. With a quarterly, semi-annual, or annual subscription, you'll also receive 1-3 bonus gifts. The gifts you may receive include a component case, a digital multimeter, and a soldering kit.
The staff at Creation Crate is available to help if you have questions with placing an order or with your STEM box. They offer one-on-one support over email, video, or phone, so you won't need to feel like you're trying to solve a problem alone. You can send a contact request through the website and you'll be connected with someone who can help you out.For common questions about the STEM monthly subscription boxes, you can also look on the FAQs page. This will provide you with information about the contents of each box, shipping, canceling a subscription, and general information about the company.
Social media is a great way to learn more about Creation Crate and see what's new and exciting. Their Facebook page has over 8,000 likes, and they have more than 86,000 followers on Instagram.
Shipping costs will vary depending on which science kit subscription you choose. For shipments within the United States, a monthly science box costs $4.99 to ship, a quarterly case costs $9.98 to ship, a semi-annual case costs $12.48 to ship, and an annual case costs $24.96 to ship. Orders are typically shipped within two to four days of being received, and you can expect to receive your order within three to five business days once it has shipped.
Creation Crate also offers international shipping for their STEM subscription box options. Again, the shipping costs will vary based on the subscription you choose. A monthly box costs $8.99 to ship, a quarterly case costs $17.98 to ship, a semi-annual case costs $22.48 to ship, and an annual case costs $44.96 to ship. International orders also ship within two to four days, but they may take between eight and 21 days to be delivered once they are in transit.
When you are looking for STEM monthly subscription boxes that are sure to get your preteens and teenagers excited about science, Creation Crate is a great option to consider. These are one of the best STEM subscription box options you'll find geared at older children.